We understand that you may have lots of questions about our Breakfast/Afterschool clubs regarding your child’s welfare and so forth, so at the bottom of this page are answers to the questions we are frequently asked.
If you have other questions please get in touch with us via email or call 0208 9793100 (9.30am – 4.00pm Monday - Thursday and until 1.00pm on Friday)
To register your child please click on the tab ‘Book Now’ . You will be required to set up an account if you have not previously done so and your login details can be saved to your computer making it an easier process next time you log in. All your personal details as well as bookings and payment history will be available 24/7 for you to view through our new platform with magicbooking.
All bookings are made online via the 'book now' button on our home page and bookings will be held for 1 hour until payment is made or Childcare vouchers uploaded onto the booking platform.
Bookings can be made for a one-off booking or permanent bookings are for the academic year , subject to availability. However, if you book for a period of over 34 days you can set up a monthly instalment payment plan over the entire period of your booking, up to a maximum of 11 equal installments. You have the option to pay with Tax free Childcare Vouchers (TFC), Company Childcare Vouchers, credit or debit cards.
You will receive an email reminding you that you payment is due in 3 days or that your card details has expired and need updating to allow the payment to go through. If you fail to meet the payment deadline then you will not be allowed to make another booking until payment is received and your childs place will be revoked. In addition, we will charge a standard late fee of £10 and if funds are not paid within 30 days the debt will be passed to a debt collecting agency to recover the monies on our behalf adding further interest payments.
Yes, childcare vouchers are accepted to pay for all or some of your Clubland childcare bookings. Please see the ‘Payment Information‘ section for details of all childcare voucher companies we are registered with and our corresponding reference details to manage payments. If for any reason your childcare voucher company is not listed, please e-mail our Bookkeeper emma@clubland-playscheme.com so that we can arrange to register with them.
Any queries relating to childcare voucher payments should be directed to Emma.
When opting for permanent sessions you agree to abide to our terms and conditions which requires you to give 6 weeks’ notice of cancellation.
To cancel simply log onto your account, select the Booking you wish to amend. Click on the tab 'AMEND DATES, and enter the date range.
Occasionally we have to suspend the ability to book or cancel sessions if we are operating a waiting list. If you find that you are unable to make changes to your account please email info@clubland-playscheme.com with your requirements.
The simple answer is yes. Clubland has made a commitment to you to care for your child on those days and we have to meet our financial obligations.
The booking period is for each academic year. We will invite all existing parents to renew their booking in plenty of time to ensure there is no break in their childcare provision.
A security fee of £35 per child is taken at the time of booking to secure your place for you and deducted from the total owing. If you cancel your entire booking at least 6 week's prior to commencement of the 1st session, you will forfeit the £35 security fee.
Breakfast club opens from 7.15am
We will sign your child in the register upon arrival and a register is taken before escorting the children to school.
The children have a choice of cereals, toast, toppings, yogurts, fresh fruit, pancakes, crumpets. Milk, diluted fruit juice, and water is served.
In the winter baked beans or spaghetti may also be available.
8.15am prompt to ensure all children are ready for School and the setting is tidy.
No structured activity is on offer in the morning; however the children have access to arts & crafts, role play, construction, Wii, board games and if the weather is kind they will play outside.
A register is taken before school starts and the children are escorted to their respective meeting points by Clubland staff and handed over to the teaching staff.
We encourage all children and parents new to Clubland to come for a visit prior to their child starting so that they can meet the team and become familiar with the setting. All visits can be arranged by emailing Head Office on info@clubland-playscheme.com or directly with the manager at the setting. Contact details are found on the Clubs Tab
At Breakfast club please directly hand your child over to Clubland staff. However, at the end of the school day either the school teaching staff bring the Infant children to us or we collect them from their teacher. Whereas all junior children make their own way to Clubland.
Yes please, follow schools policy for letting them know who is collecting your child. Many schools have white boards for each day, but if your child is due to attend Clubland on a regular basis, we suggest you write them a letter or e-mail.
The children will be offered the option of a light hot/cold snack upon arrival. Due to the different facilities available at each setting the menu varies but typically consists of wraps, pittas, sandwiches, toast, toasties, beans, spaghetti, pasta, ham , cheese, toppings, fresh fruit and vegetables. Children are asked to bring their own water bottles which we will refill.
The snack is not considered sufficient as an alternative to their evening meal.
We never purchase food containing nuts and offer alternative food for children who are gluten or diary intolerant. If your child cannot eat certain food whether it be due to an allergy, intolerance, religious or dietary reasons please liaise with the setting Manager so that we can accommodate your child’s individual needs.
We comply with Ofsted ratio's and currently work on 1 adult per 11 children under the age of 8 years. Above this age we adhere to 1:15 for good practice.
At Clubland we adhere to the Playwork Principles which states that play should be child centered, freely chosen and self-directed play. Our role as Playworkers is to facilitate play opportunities, which can be achieved by offering stimulating activities & equipment, physical support or merely through words of encouragement and praise.
The children will have access to a variety of different play equipment ranging from construction, role play, ICT, sports, cookery, quizzes, den building, board games, Wii and arts & crafts. A structured adult- led activity is offered each session which the children can chose whether or not to participate in.
This normally poses no problem, you simply need to liaise with the Manager to ensure they know where your child is and can arrange for his/her collection or brought to them when the activity finishes. If the activity is due to be held off -site then you need to liaise with the manager as to how they are to be collected.
Yes children can do their homework whilst at Clubland. However, please be advised that we will not take responsibility for the correctness of the homework and the time spent will be limited to 30 mins to ensure ratios are not compromised.
Please note that we will not force a child to do their homework, it has to be their choice.
To help them through this transition each child is given a buddy to support them and children in reception years have a key person to help them settle in. If you are experiencing problems with your child attending Clubland please speak with the manager and Karen so that we can support you through this period and find a solution that meets your child’s needs.
All managers hold a 12 hour Pediatric First Aid qualification. Dependent upon the severity of the accident or illness, the manger will call you and inform you of your child’s condition and administer the appropriate First Aid. An accident/incident form will be completed and emailed to you.
If your child is ill whilst at Clubland we will try to isolate them from the other children whilst keeping them comfortable and calm. If your child is suffering from vomiting and or diarrhea then they are not able to return until 48 hours after their last bout of illness.
In some cases where the First Aider feels it appropriate Infant Paracetamol or Piriton will be administered if written permission has been given on the ‘Permission form’.
Simply log onto your account, view the booking, click on the tab 'Amend/Cancel dates' and then enter the date range you wish to cancel (the start and end date). This will automatically update our registers, so no need to call the setting as well.
If your child attends either Claygate or Long Ditton Infant School where set collection times are in place, simply call the manager and arrange to collect at the next available collection time.
However, if your child has not been collected after the stated closing time of the setting, a late fee of £1 per minute up to 15 minutes is enforced. it then increases to £30 between 15-3o minutes late up to £45 thereafter. The fee will be added to your invoice. To avoid paying late fees we suggest that you join up with another parent or use your emergency contact, giving them your password so that they can collect on your behalf.
Yes you can, provided that you have given them your unique password stated on your child’s ‘registration form’. If you have not added them as a collector on your child's profile then please contact the Manger and inform them of the change in collection procedure.
Generally there is no need as children are provided with aprons for painting and messy play.
Children will not be allowed the use of mobile phones whilst at Clubland. If they have their phone they will be asked to place it in the ‘staff phone box’ till the end of the sessions. If you wish to contact them during the session, you can call the site mobile. (see club tab for the site mobile number)
We do not discriminate against any child attending Clubland but we do need to ensure that the setting is right for your child, that it meets their individual needs and their attendance does not negatively impact on other children attending the club. If your child needs extra help, please speak to us so that we can support your child. Contact carrie@clubland-playscheme.com 0208 979 3100 and or your club manager.
All details relating to a medical condition must be disclosed on your child’s registration form. If they require medication eg: epi-pen or Ventolin a ‘Permission to administer medication’ form must be completed. We need to establish that we can accommodate your child’s medical need or whether we need to access further training before they can attend so that we can meet their needs.
The medication needs to be in a plastic container, clearly labelled with their name, picture, medical condition, Dosage & Frequency and your contact details. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the medication is within its expiry date.
If they have antibiotics we can administer but you need to comply with the above.
Four of our settings are currently graded ‘Good’. For OFSTED inspection grades at specific settings please see individual location pages.
Clubland Playscheme Ltd
MR18 Image Court
328-334 Molesey Road
KT12 3LT