When you book with Clubland Playscheme Ltd, we want you to be completely satisfied with the service we offer you from the moment you book to when you collect your child. These are our terms & conditions which let you know what to expect from us and what we expect from you.
If you have any queries, please contact Head Office on 020 8979 3100 Monday to Thursday between 9.30am- 4.00pm, Friday 9.30am - 1.00pm or email info@clubland-playscheme.com.
1. Definitions
Ad Hoc Sessions: A one off booking for our Breakfast and Afterschool clubs.
Afterschool Club: Our childcare provision that runs after school ends.
Breakfast Club: Our childcare provision that runs before school starts.
Childcare Vouchers: A service provided to deducted at costs from your salary to pay for childcare, subject to a maximum amount per month.
Clubland: Shorthand for Clubland Playscheme Limited.
Holiday Club: Our childcare provision that runs during the school holidays.
Permanent Sessions: A commitment to certain days of the week during term time for our Breakfast and Afterschool clubs.
Deposit fee: A charge of £35 per family to secure permanent sessions if booking more than 30 days in advance. The deposit will be deducted from your outstanding balance, but you will lose this if you cancel all sessions.
SENCO: A Special Educational Needs Child Officer.
Session/s: An instance of a Breakfast, Afterschool or Holiday Club from beginning to end on any particular day.
Setting/s: Our Breakfast, Afterschool and Holiday Clubs located at Claygate Primary School, Cranmere Primary School, Long Ditton Infant and Nursery School, The Royal Kent School, and Thames Ditton Infant School.
2. Registration of Bookings
2.1 Sessions for Breakfast & Afterschool Club
Unless otherwise indicated, all bookings need to be requested online at clubland-playscheme.com, click on the button BOOK NOW to be redirected to Magicbooking online platform.
You will need to create an account, link your child's school as a ‘Centre,’ you may also consider linking Holidayclub as a Centre, then validate your email address. Only then can you add your children's details prior to making a booking reservation.
You have the option to pay the invoice in full or set up a monthly payment plan. This can be a combination of both Childcare vouchers and a credit/debit card.
Your sessions are confirmed at the time of booking and one invoice for the entire booking will be raised.
Bookings are only for the current academic year and need to be renewed annually.
You can log onto your account, cancel bookings, and mark your child as absent.
To ensure your child's details are kept current whenever you make a booking you will be asked to confirm that they details are correct.
2.3 Holiday Club Bookings
Bookings for Holiday Clubs will open over the holiday immediately preceding the upcoming school holiday.
To Book simply click the BOOK Now button to be redirected to Magicbooking.com online platform.
You will need to create an account linking Holidayclub as the 'Centre', validate your email address, and only then can you add your children's details prior to making a booking reservation.
To qualify for any ‘Early booking’ discounts or other promotional offers, bookings need to be made within the promotional deadline and payment received within the 48-hour payment period (24 hours if this is applicable at the time). We ask that a screenshot/photo of payment is sent as evidence so we can process your application.
Full payment or childcare vouchers constitute acceptance of these bookings’ terms and conditions. Once booked and confirmed, the sessions are non-refundable.
3. Fees
All fees are subject to an increase at the discretion of Clubland. Existing families will be notified of any changes to the pricing structure by email at least 6 weeks before the change.
3.1 Deposit
A deposit of £35 per family is only applicable for Breakfast and Afterschool club when your booking is made 30 days prior to the sessions commencing:
If you cancel your sessions will lose the £35.
3.3 Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club opens at 07:15 and a later session at 8.00am is available. For details of the current prices, please refer to our website see Header tab CLUBS.
Please note that both sessions include breakfast which is served until 8.15am.
3.4 Afterschool Club
Please refer to each Club setting for current discounts and cost per session.
See link above.
We reserve the right to withdraw the discounts at any time.
3.5 Holiday Club
Please refer to our website see Header tab CLUBS. for current prices and exclusive offers. We often offer early bird booking discounts which will be detailed in any marketing and on our website at clubland-playscheme.com/holiday-club.
We reserve the right to withdraw the discounts at any time.
4. Payment
4.1 Payment Parameters
4.1.1 Permanent Sessions
Invoices are now issued for the full booking period. Holiday club, bookings must be settled in full, but with Breakfast and Afterschool club you also have the option to set up a monthly payment plan if your booking exceeds 35 days. This can be either a Childcare Voucher scheme, credit/debit card or a combination of both.
You will receive a generic email reminder 10 days prior to the invoice due date. Please bear in mind that Childcare Vouchers can take up to 5 days to credit our account and be reconciled.
From 1st March 2023 an Administration fee of £10 will automatically be applied to accounts that are overdue. Ad hoc bookings will be given a 7-day grace period to allow payment via Childcare Vouchers. If your account falls into arrears, your child's place can be revoked, and you will not be able to make any further bookings until your account is settled.
4.1.2 Holiday Club
Payment for Holiday Club bookings is to be made at the time of booking, your booking will be held for 1 hour.
4.2 Accepted Methods of Payment
Payment for childcare can be made in the following ways:
5. Late Fees
5.1 Afterschool & Holiday club:
Failure to collect your child at the closing time will result in a late fee of £1 per minute past the closing time, up to 15 minutes late, it will then increase to £30 between 15- 30mins late increasing to £45.
The time will be taken by the most accurate source on setting, this will usually be a smart phone, and the Supervisor on setting’s decision is final. If you wish to contest the decision, you are required to make the payment and refer the matter to Company Director and a refund will be issued if the charge is found to be incorrect.
Failure to pay late fees may result in future childcare being withdrawn or denied.
6.1 Cancelling Sessions
6 weeks’ notice is required to cancel sessions without penalty. To mark your child as absent or cancel sessions, simply log onto your account, click on BOOKINGS, identify which Booking you wish to amend, once you have done this, click on AMEND DATES. If you have any doubt watch the video tutorials supplied by Magicbooking via Help desk. On some occasions we have had to limit parents ability to Book or Cancel sessions as we are managing a ‘Waitlist.’ If you find that you are unable to apply changes to your account, please email info@clubland-playscheme.com with your requirements.
Any absences will automatically update the register, but no credit note will be applied.
6.2 Holiday Club Bookings
Cancellation is required in writing to info@clubland-playscheme.com and costs are not refundable as detailed in sections 3.2 and 3.3. If you have opted for a Flexible Booking, you can amend your booking right up to the last working day before your child is due to attend in any given week. Plus, Flexi allows for amendments or a refund to be made if your child is ill and cannot attend. Once your child has started a week with us, amendments and refunds can only be made due to illness.
7. Refund Policy
Credits are not issued for cancelled sessions due to holidays, play dates, sickness, and exclusions. Credits are only issued in the following scenarios:
7.1 Emergency Closure
If we are unable to run due to an emergency closure, our standard policy is to reduce our charge by 50% If the invoice for this period in question has already been settled, we will issue a credit on your invoice unless it is a case that your child is not returning and then endeavour to issue a refund. However, where payment has been made via childcare vouchers, we will issue a credit against your account unless the provider accepts the fees back.
The full emergency closure policy can be found at clubland-playscheme.com/policies.
8. Changes to Itinerary
Information given on the website and in printed materials are correct at the time of publishing. We may need to change dates, location, or activities due to unforeseen circumstances or adverse weather. We aim to inform stakeholders of these changes as soon as possible.
9. Insurance and Liability
All children attending Clubland are covered by Public Liability Insurance up to £5million.
10. Administering Medication
Information regarding any medication, allergies, dietary and religious beliefs which may impact on your child’s welfare when in our care is collected when a registration form is completed. If this information changes, we must be informed immediately. Please log onto your child's account and update the information we hold, it is also prudent to email info@clubland-playscheme.com or holidayclub@clubland-playscheme.com (If attending holiday club).
We only administer prescribed medication, infant paracetamol and Piriton and only when permission is given. If we are required to administer medication, an online permission form, found at clubland-playscheme.com
Medication must be stored in a clear Tupperware box, with the child’s picture on the front, details of what the medication is for, dosage and frequency with Parent/Carer contact details. It is your responsibility to ensure the medication is in date. If we do not have your permission, we will not administer the medication.
Clubland reserves the right to exclude children for whom full information, as described above or medication has not been provided. This can either be from taking part in certain activities or, if felt necessary, from attending Clubland altogether until full information and medication has been provided. No refund or credit will be issued in these circumstances.
11. Illness and First Aid
If on arrival at Clubland the Manager deems a child too ill to attend, we reserve the right to refuse attendance at Clubland until the child is symptom free for 48 hours.
If an accident occurs or a child falls ill whilst under our care, appropriate First Aid will be administered by a qualified First Aider. All parents/carers are required to sign an ‘accident form’ upon collection of their child to evidence that they have been made aware of the accident and treatment provided.
If an accident or illness is more serious, the emergency services may be contacted, and Parents/Carers will be informed immediately.
Full First Aid related policies can be found at clubland-playscheme.com/policies.
12. Special Requirements
Every child that attends Clubland has access to the same opportunities, although some children may have specific medical, physical, or behavioural requirements that need to be considered prior to them attending. The needs of each child vary, so decisions on how best to include children into our settings are made on a case-by-case basis. Parents/Carers of children with special needs are requested to contact the SENCO at Head Office to discuss how we can best accommodate their child and consider whether any special arrangements need to be made. Please note that we have extremely limited funding to provide 1:1 care. To enable us to support your child we ask that upon booking, Parents/ Carers complete our 'Supporting Document for children with SEND'. This document is shared on the confirmation email.
More information on our Special Needs policy can be found at clubland-playscheme.com/policies.
13. Safeguarding
Safeguarding children is not just about protecting children from abuse but also ensuring they are safe in their environment. This covers equipment, security, visitors, staff, heath & hygiene, and risk assessments are carried out on all these aspects. Parents are asked to comply by not using their mobile phones or taking photographs of children attending Clubland.
If a member of staff suspects a child is suffering from abuse or a child discloses abuse, we will follow our Child Protection Policy as detailed in our Policy and Procedures. More information can be found at clubland-playscheme.com/policies.
14. Photography and Video
Occasionally, photographs are taken at our venues to be used for marketing and promotional purposes. A member of our existing staff will take these images, or we employ the services of suitable and DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) cleared photographer. Your permission to take photos of your child/ren is always secured and images are only taken in accordance with your wishes.
More information on this can be found at clubland-playscheme.com/policies.
15. Exclusions
Clubland reserves the right to exclude a child for any reason, including but not limited to inappropriate parent or child behaviour, illness, bullying, discrimination, and repeated late collection.
No refunds/credit or compensation will be made for any costs or losses incurred because of missed sessions due to exclusion.
Details can be found in our Behaviour Policy at clubland-playscheme.com/policies.
16. Lost Property
Please ensure that your child does not bring valuable toys and belongings to our settings. Clubland will not be held responsible if they go missing or damaged. We cannot guarantee the return of lost property but will endeavour to return lost items if they are clearly identifiable. Clubland will only hold lost property for four weeks. If it is holiday cub lost property will be held at Head office where parents can collect, it during office hours. If lost property is left unclaimed for longer than four weeks Clubland will distribute it to local charities.
17. Complaints
Clubland is committed to providing high quality Breakfast, Afterschool and Holiday childcare and we are always looking to improve our services. If you or your child are not completely satisfied with the service we have provided, we wish to know about this. Any complaint should be made firstly to the Supervisor at the setting. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome or would prefer to direct your complaint to senior management, please email info@clubland-playscheme.com for the attention of the Company Director. We aim to respond to your complaint within 21 days, however if you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can refer your complaint to Ofsted. Please refer to Complaints Policy at clubland-playscheme.com/policies for further information.
18. Policies & Procedures
Full details of Clubland’s Policies and Procedure are available at clubland-playscheme.com/policies and available as a hardcopy at each setting.
Four of our settings are currently graded ‘Good’. For OFSTED inspection grades at specific settings please see individual location pages.
Clubland Playscheme Ltd
MR18 Image Court
328-334 Molesey Road
KT12 3LT