Clubland Playscheme considers health and safety to be of utmost importance. We comply with The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 at all times.
The company has appropriate insurance cover, including employer’s liability insurance and public liability insurance.
Each member of staff follows the company’s Health and Safety policy and is responsible for:
The registered person for the company holds ultimate responsibility and liability for the safe operation of the setting. The registered person will ensure that:
The setting’s Playscheme Manager is responsible for ensuring that at each session:
The school at which the setting is located is responsible for:
Children are informed that they must always stay with a member of staff and children are not allowed to leave the setting premises during the session unless prior permission has been given by the parents/carers (for example, to attend other extra-curricular activities).
During Club sessions all external doors are kept locked, with the exception of fire doors which are alarmed. Staff monitor the entrances and exits to the premises throughout the session.
When it is dark, children are given reflective jackets and/or head torches to aid their own visibility and also sight of the children for staff.
Staff use two way radios to communicate with each other whilst the session is in duration.
All visitors to the setting must provide identification, sign the Visitor Log and give the reason for their visit. Visitors will never be left alone with the children and they will be given a badge to wear for the duration of their visit.
Security procedures will be regularly reviewed by the Playscheme Manager, in consultation with staff and parents/carers.
All furniture, toys and equipment are kept clean, well maintained and in good repair. We select toys, equipment and resources with care, and we carry out risk assessments before the children are allowed to use them. Broken toys and equipment are disposed of promptly.
We ensure that any flammable equipment is stored safely.
Children must wear a helmet when using scooters whilst at Clubland.
Sun Protection
We actively encourage all children to wear a hat when playing outside from May and staff also wear hats and apply sunscreen to themselves to set a good example.
We advise children bring in their own, clearly labelled factor 20+ sunscreen. If in the case that we do not have any sunscreen on site and in our opinion the children are not adequately dressed for playing outside in the sun without any protection, for their safety, we will stop the child being able to actively take part in the outdoor activities.
We educate the children about the dangers of the sun and teach them that they should not be out for more than ten minutes when their shadow is shorter than they are.
Cold Weather
We encourage children to play outside as much as possible however will keep them inside during cold weather if they do not have appropriate clothing, such as a coat and hat. During very cold weather, time outside will be limited.
Staff at Clubland Playscheme maintain high standards of personal hygiene, and take all practicable steps to prevent and control the spread of infection.
Spillages of blood, vomit, urine and faeces will be cleaned up immediately in accordance with our Intimate Care policy.
Staff ratios and levels of supervision are always appropriate to the number, ages and abilities of the children present, and to the risks associated with the activities being undertaken. A minimum of two members of staff are on duty at any time and where possible we work to a ratio of 1:15.
See also related policies: Arrivals and Departures Policy, Illness and Accidents Policy, Intimate Care Policy and Risk Assessment Policy.
Four of our settings are currently graded ‘Good’. For OFSTED inspection grades at specific settings please see individual location pages.
Clubland Playscheme Ltd
MR18 Image Court
328-334 Molesey Road
KT12 3LT