Clubland Blog

Cranmere Primary School News - Early Summer 2024

Written by Clubland Playscheme | Jul 2, 2024 10:45:55 AM

Dear Parents,

Wow, how quickly has that half-term flown by?! It's hard to believe we are already nearing the last term of the academic year.

What we've been up to

This term has been packed with a variety of exciting activities for the children. They enjoyed making edible treasure map wraps, decorating biscuits, creating bees for World Bee Day, and designing paper planes, which we raced outside. They also discovered a new favorite game—Ludo! It's wonderful to see all the year groups playing together, even if they sometimes team up against the staff. Each activity brought laughter and showcased the children's creativity and enthusiasm.

We have also had the pleasure of welcoming some new children to our Clubland family this term and the children have all come together to help them settle in.

The reward board has been filling up rapidly, with children eager for their chance to shine. Rewards have been given for a variety of reasons, including helping to tidy up, showing kindness, displaying outstanding manners, and going above and beyond. It's fantastic to see so many new names on the board this term. One thing is for certain—Laura and I are going to have great fun counting all the rewards for each child. It may take some time, but we’re looking forward to it!


Thank you

We would like to say a big thank you for all the donations we have received this half-term. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. These donations not only help replace items that get damaged or broken during play but also allow us to regularly introduce exciting new play experiences. This brings fresh opportunities for creativity and imagination to all the children. Thank you for your continued support!

Andy & Lucy –for the books and craft supplies

Laura & Micheal  - for the books and toys

Jenny and Jono - for the wooden train track and trains


Looking ahead 

As we look forward to the summer term, we have many exciting and fun activities planned.

In addition to our usual cooking, craft, and outdoor activities, we have several special projects on the horizon. We are thrilled to announce that we have sourced a small greenhouse. Along with the planters out front and the veggie patch in the sensory garden, we aim to launch our own Green Fingers Club within Clubland. The children will be responsible for weeding and planting the veggie patch, sowing the planters, and hopefully planting individual seeds in pots for the greenhouse, which they can take home once grown.

We still haven’t had a chance to do Clubland's Got Talent due to time constraints, but we plan to schedule it soon after we return for the summer term.

As the weather gets warmer, we've been brainstorming fun and safe ways for the children to enjoy playing in the sun. One exciting idea we've come up with is organizing water fights during particularly hot spells. To avoid the children being in wet clothes for prolonged periods of time, we ask that all children who want to participate in the water fights bring in a change of clothes and a towel and will put a notice on our new board outside Clubland with the dates of our planned water fights. We’re looking forward to making the most of the sunny days with these fun water activities!

Dates for your diary

  • 3–9 June - Child Safety Week
  • 6 June - D-Day 80th Anniversary
  • 10-14 June - Healthy Eating Week
  • 14 June - Cranmere Primary School Mufti Day
  • 23 July - Last day of term (no Afterschool Club, Breakfast Club running as normal)
  • 24 July-23 August: Summer Holiday Club at Claygate Primary School

We hope you and your families are enjoying a relaxing May Half Term.

From Wendy, Laura and the entire Clubland team