Clubland Blog

Claygate Primary School News - Early Spring 2024

Written by Clubland Playscheme | Feb 14, 2024 11:50:47 AM


Our return in 2024 was really lovely! Reconnecting with the kids after the break has been brilliant and it was great hearing about everyone's Christmas holidays, the presents they got, and the fun times they had during the festivities. Their excitement and energy has been really positive and we're really looking forward to the rest of the spring term.

Our team

Welcoming Leonardo to our team this term has been a great addition. His passion for football has brought a lot of energy, and the kids are really enjoying having him around. Leo is from Italy, and it's been a fun opportunity for everyone to practice some basic Italian with him. The cultural exchange has added a nice touch to our daily interactions, making the atmosphere more diverse and engaging. We're looking forward to continuing this positive experience and appreciate the unique perspectives Leo brings to the team.


Clubland @ Claygate Council

Our council has now been voted in for 2024. Bertie E is the chairperson ably supported by his Deputy, Bonnie N and then with children from each age range completing the council of 13!

They will meet on a Wednesday every two weeks and discuss organising some activities and events over the spring and summer terms. They will ask all the other Clubland children their views on everything ‘Clubland’ such as what activities they would like to do, what food they would like to eat and more.

One of the first jobs the council will do will be to design a questionnaire in order to get feedback on what the other children would like. More news on this next half! term.

Our activities

This half term we initially concentrated on Winter and enjoyed activities looking at arctic animals, making 3D penguins and a winter owl. We also looked at clothing to wear and the winter weather, making winter hats and gloves and designing our own snowmen. We have enjoyed cooking this term and the children have made ‘Maya’ Hot Chocolate, microwave cupcakes and shortbread.

During the second half of the term, we dedicated some time to focusing on the importance of mental health during 'Children's Mental Health Week'. This year's theme, 'My Voice Matters', encouraged the children to express themselves and share their thoughts and emotions. It was a wonderful opportunity for them to understand the value of their own voice and the impact it can have on their mental well-being.

During Children's Mental Health week, we took the opportunity to design our own Emotion stick puppets. This activity allowed the children to delve deeper into their emotions and understand how to express them in a healthy and constructive way. To showcase their creativity, we organized a mini puppet show where the children used their emotion stick puppets to tell unique stories. It was a heart warming and inspiring experience, witnessing the children confidently sharing their thoughts and feelings through their puppetry skills.

In addition to this, we also introduced a brand new dressing up/role play area at Claygate. With a wide range of dressing up clothes, puppets, dolls, and musical instruments, the children were given the freedom to explore their creativity and imagination. They actively participated in designing this area, making it even more special and personal to them. The response from the children has been overwhelmingly positive, as they have been using this space to express themselves through music, acting, and storytelling. It has truly become a hub of creativity and self-expression.

We've got some exciting additions to our Wii collection, including the awesome 'Just Dance' game! This interactive dance game not only provided a fun way for the children to exercise, but it also allowed them to explore different styles of music and movement. The diverse range of singing voices and dance moves created a vibrant and energetic atmosphere, leaving the children thoroughly entertained and engaged.

Furthermore, we relocated our mindfulness and relaxation area to provide a peaceful space for the children to unwind and manage any anxiety or stress they may have. This quiet corner equipped with books and comfortable seating encouraged the children to find solace in reading and reflection. It has become a popular spot for those seeking a quiet moment in the hustle and bustle of our busy club.

With the festivities of Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year also happening, this half term has proved to be quite eventful. From crafting Valentine's Day cards to exploring Chinese traditions and customs, the children had the opportunity to learn about different cultures and celebrate diversity.

Looking Ahead

As we look ahead to the final half term before the Easter break the longer afternoons and arrival of spring means we can plan to incorporate outdoor activities that make the most of the natural environment. Planting seeds, exploring nature, and utilizing natural resources for play will be some of the highlights as we embrace the beauty of the changing season. And of course, we will end the term with our traditional Easter Egg Hunt, a favourite among the children.

Dates for your diary

  • 12-16 February - February Half Term Holiday Club at Claygate Primary School
  • 13 February - Pancake day 
  • 14 February - Valentines day 
  • 19 February - INSET day
  • 27 February - The Big Breakfast day
  • 27 March - Last afterschool club before Easter (no afterschool club on 28 March due to early school finish) 
  • 7 March - World Book Day
  • 2-12 April - Easter Holiday Club at Claygate Primary School

We wish you all a enjoyable half term and cant wait to start the next term of fun with the children.

From Kim, Lydia and the entire Clubland Team