This document is to be read in conjunction with Clubland Playscheme’s Safeguarding Policy and Basic Safeguarding Training document.
This guidance allows us to respond promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns regarding the safety of a child that may occur. Our child protection procedures comply with all relevant legislation and with guidance issued by the Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is:
Emily McCartney, Managing Director; Telephone Number: 020 8979 3100
Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
Carrie Nixon, Regional Manager; Telephone Number: 020 8979 3100
Wendy Tyler, HR Administrator; Telephone Number: 020 8979 3100
Our setting based Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
Claygate Primary School: Kim Waters, Playscheme Manager and Lydia Allen, Deputy Manager
Cranmere Primary School: Sharon Perrin, Playscheme Manager, Wendy Tyler, Playscheme Manager and Laura Perrin, Deputy Manager
Long Ditton Infant School: Andreja Vukovic, Playscheme Manager and Mairead Halliday, Deputy Manager
Royal Kent School: Sally Offen, Playscheme Manager
Thames Ditton Infant School: Carrie Nixon, Playscheme Manager and Trina Lowther, Deputy Manager
Other useful contacts:
All these telephone numbers are programmed into the setting phones for easy access.
If a child wants to confide about having suffered abuse, or has a concern, the following guidelines are to be followed:
If a child requests confidentiality, it must be explained to them that this cannot be promised as the information must be shared with adults who will be able to protect them from harm. The child should be reassured that only people who need to know about it will be told.
If this results in the child not continuing with the conversation, the concern must be logged and reported immediately.
When sharing information, we only share information that is relevant and only to the relevant parties involved.
If a staff member has a concern about a child and suspects that they are at risk of or are being abused or radicalised, the following process will be followed:
Step |
Action |
Responsibility |
Notes |
1. |
Complete a logging concern form |
Member of staff with concern or to whom the disclosure was made |
Found in the Safeguarding folder at each setting Speak to the setting DSL for support if required Be accurate and factual with the account. If recording a disclosure, use the child’s own words |
2. |
Complete a skin map |
Member of staff with concern or to whom the disclosure was made |
Found in the Safeguarding folder at each setting Speak to the setting DSL for support if required Only if the sign/s of abuse are obvious without asking the child to remove any clothing or the child has voluntarily revealed an injury |
3. |
Review the level of needs document to identify the level of support needed |
Setting DSL and Head Office DSL team |
Found on the Surrey CC website |
4. |
Seek advice from the C-SPA Child Protection Consultation Line |
Setting DSL and Head Office DSL team |
Only if required |
5. |
Complete a neglect toolkit |
Setting DSL and Head Office DSL team |
Only if concern or disclosure is suspected to be neglect |
6. |
Signpost parents/carers to universal services |
Setting DSL and Head Office DSL team |
If LEVEL 1 on the level of needs document |
7. |
Offer parents/carers an Early Help Assessment |
Setting DSL and Head Office DSL team |
If LEVEL 2 on the level of needs document |
8. |
Gain consent form the parents/carers to request support from Children’s Services |
Setting DSL and Head Office DSL team |
If LEVEL 3 or 4 on the level of needs document DO NOT DO if doing so may increase the risk of harm to the child or young person |
9. |
Download, complete and send a request for support form within 48 hours |
Head Office DSL team |
Found on the Surrey CC website |
10. |
Notify school DSL of concern/request for support made |
Head Office DSL team |
11. |
In an emergency, call 999 |
Any staff member |
Although it is the responsibility of the DSL to request support from C-SPA when the situation dictates, if a staff member feels that the situation has not been taken seriously enough, they can make the request for support themselves.
Under section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 all childcare settings have a legal duty to prevent children from the risk of radicalisation being drawn into extremism.
If a member of staff suspects that a child is at risk of becoming radicalised, they will record any relevant information or observations on a logging concern form and refer the matter to a DSL. The DSL will call the ACT anti-terrorism line or report it online.
If a staff member has a concern about another member of staff or an allegation against a member of staff has been made, they are protected by our Whistleblowing Policy and the following process will be followed:
Step |
Action |
Responsibility |
Notes |
1. |
Complete a logging concern form |
Member of staff with concern or to whom the disclosure was made |
Found in the Safeguarding folder at each setting Speak to a DSL for support if required Be accurate and factual with the account. If recording a disclosure, use the child’s own words |
2. |
Complete a skin map |
Member of staff with concern or to whom the disclosure was made |
Found in the Safeguarding folder at each setting Speak to a DSL for support if required Only if the sign/s of abuse are obvious without asking the child to remove any clothing or the child has voluntarily revealed an injury |
4. |
Seek advice from LADO |
Setting DSL and Head Office DSL team |
Refer directly to Head Office DSL team if the concern/allegation is against the Setting DSL |
5. |
Notify Ofsted of the concern/allegation within 14 days |
Head Office DSL team |
Use the online form on the gov.uk/Ofsted website |
11. |
In an emergency, call 999 |
Any staff member |
If a child comes into our care with an existing injury that has happened outside of our care, this will be recorded on Magicbooking. This helps us to monitor a child’s wellbeing and can help spot instances of abuse. Any pre-existing injuries on non-mobile children must be logged and also reported.
See also our related policies: Basic Safeguarding Training, Safeguarding Policy and Whistleblowing Policy.
Four of our settings are currently graded ‘Good’. For OFSTED inspection grades at specific settings please see individual location pages.
Clubland Playscheme Ltd
MR18 Image Court
328-334 Molesey Road
KT12 3LT